I know that Christmas has been gone for some time now but while on a trip to Florida this picture caught my attention. What you are about to read may upset you and as much of a faith driven person as I am I feel as if this sign is pointless and irrelevant to the idea of god. I understand why the worship of false images and false idols may be frowned upon in the eyes of god but what most people don’t understand in the difference between “worshiping” and “believing” something. My little cousin believes there is a Santa Claus, she does not worship him, nor does she pray to him. So what is the difference between “worshiping” and “believing”? Here is a clear example; I BELIEVE (just as the majority of all human beings do) that even though I have never been to outer space all the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. That is it. I do not worship the sun, I do not idealize the sun, or grant it any purpose other than to light our sky, regulate our planet's seasons and provide food for plants. Whoever put up this sign probably did not think as much about the words they displayed then did. You are more than welcome to further this debate by contacting me at loyaltyisglory@gmail.com , maybe I missed something :)
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